Sunday, November 29, 2009


Everyone believes in something right? That's what i thought for most of my life. A majority of my life was spent following the ways of a Christian. However, sometime in middle school i began to question God and Christianity. But, my questioning did not stop there, i began to question religion as a whole. I began to understand science and how well it applied to everything in the universe. Since then i have been an avid supporter of science and dare not question it with religion, which i consider foolish. But even then, beliefs run deeper than just how one thinks humanity came to be. Beliefs transfer to people's everyday lives and easily affect every decision they make. Now when i think to myself alot, i begin to wonder, what do i believe in? what are my ethics, morales, and values? I constantly find myself arguing both sides of everything which means i don't have a stable set of beliefs. Lately, i have been beginning to think this is cause for everything terrible in my life, including my unstable and ever-changing mind. It wouldn't surprise me if it was cause for all the agonizing pain within me, if it was cause for the constant battle inside of me that i can never win. Whenever i look at all the negative in the world, i just couldn't imagine some greater life force existing, that wouldn't make a damned bit of sense. Hopefully, throughout the course of this blog, i will discover myself more deeply and find something solid to look up to. Everyone needs something to believe in.

1 comment:

  1. Hello.
    You're right, everyone in this world believes in something.

    I am a Christian. While you may think it foolish, I can't stress enough that the reason for me being a Christian is not behind the stories that may or may not be true from the Bible. I am a Christian because it gives me a set of commendable morals to live by.

    I think that you are lost in your own mind. This is the reason for your pain. You can never decide which way to go in life, and I think it's time you started thinking long and hard about exactly what you believe in. I don't mean whether you believe in God, science, religious, atheism...I mean what morals you believe in, because you can't grow and you can't live happily without something to tell you what is right and wrong, without something to tell you which decisions to make, and without something that you live by.

    You need to complete yourself. Something is missing in you. You have extensive mental capabilities, you're intelligent and you have high reasoning skills...that doesn't make you happy though. You can go in search throughout the world for knowledge and never be happy. Or you can go in search of happiness, and find it, whether you're a genius or an uneducated monkey.

    While uneducated people may have less of a chance in the world around us, that does not make them any less of a person than the next guy. A person who knows nothing but what he has seen, and who doesn't care to ponder in depth things, can be content with what he has. he can live happily in ignorance from the world. Again, that doesn't make him happy.

    What I'm trying to get at is that it's time you found out exactly what makes you happy, and got rid of that poison in your head that makes you feel so much pain.
    Find the thing that is missing in you. I'm not saying you should believe in God, I'm saying you should believe in a set of morals, and keep them that way. I'm saying you should be able to lead your life in a way that makes you happy and content with yourself; one that will enable you to make the right choices.

    It's time you changed.

